A mood piece for a "large monsters vs. humans in mechs" game pitch.
Boss concepts and rough silhouettes.
A mood piece for an underwater vessel combat game.
A mood piece for a whimsical space combat and exploration game.
Character concepts for a space crew. I was really trying to push how "ugly and rough-looking" I could get them in this art style without making them completely unappealing.
Character concept of Nikola Tesla as a dashing space explorer.
Sketches and rough concept of "flight suit" wardrobe for a space crew.
Concepts of historical figures in an alternate earth sci-fi game.
A quick concept of a pirate villain in modified T-pose.
Quick sketches of various "steampunk/sci-fi" crew members.
Found some art sketches from back in the day. I think they might be yours Jason. Contact me back or add me to your linkedin I'll send you the pictures. Latez Adam